This program has two options: the first one
searches for a pattern into a given sequence and displays a
graphycal view with all the ocurrences. The second option
searches for all the tuples of a given length and displays for
each one the graphycal representation .
This tool has been designed by Susana Lopez.
MREPATT: Consecutive Multiple REpeated PATTerns search tool: given a pattern p, searchs for the exact direct and inverse ocurrences of the patterns p,pp,ppp,... through a set of DNA sequences with simbols A,C,G and T. Also several graphycal representations and mappings are given.
Bioinformatics 19 (18): 2475-2476. (Abstract and Full text)
Supplementary material: preliminary analysis of repeats.
MREPATT has been designed by Roman Roset
of Dep. of Software.
CONREPP: CONsecutive REPeated
Patterns search tool: given a pattern p, searchs for the
exact direct ocurrences of the patterns p,pp,ppp,... through a
set of DNA sequences with IUPAC simbols. Also the graphycal
representation is given.
CONREPP has been designed by Angel Carreņo.