This virtual laboratory will contain alignment and
visual tools. By now we have designed:
Multiple Genome Comparision and Alignment Tool. M-GCAT allows
for interactive multiple genome comparison that can aid in detecing rearrangements such as translocations,inversions, and horizontal transfer. M-GCAT is available on Windows, Linux, Solaris & Mac OS X, and is freely available for non-commercial use.
The program has been designed by Todd Treangen and Xavier Messeguer of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
MMUM searchs the common MUMs among many genomes.
The program has been designed by N.Modi, R.Roset and X.Messeguer
and written by Roma Roset of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
Download the application:
Multiple ALIGnment tool is a collaborative research project with Dr. J.
Rozas of the Universitat de Barcelona-Dep. de Genètica. The software
has been designed by X. Solé of the Institut Català d'Oncologia
(ICO), and Romà Roset of the Universitat Politècnica
de Catalunya.
Alpha Multiple ALIGnment tool is a collaborative research project with Laura
Alonso. The software has been designed by J. Escribano
of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
Given a
set of sequences of any alphabet and the parameters of the alignment
(the score of the match, mismatch, insertion and deletion) this tools
builds the multialignment of sequences.
(Here you can only view the pre-computed examples. If you want to
submit new jobs download M-GCAT)
Multiple ALignment of GENomes: this tool pictured a graphic
showing the skeleton of a multialignment. It is based on an algorithm
that compares two genomes whose performance depends mainly on the
first genome. For this reason the shortest sequence should be
submitted first. The program has been written by Mario Huerta
of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
The extension to multiple alignment of genomes is a collaborative research
project with Dr. J. Rozas of the Universitat de
Barcelona-Dep. de
Genètica. The Web interface has been written by Romá Roset
and Raul Jordan of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.